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  • Device LOG Services

( 1 )
How long does it takes to record my device log data ?

Answer: about 1 ~ 5 seconds

( 2 )
I purchase 1 year unlimit log service and how can I get Chart or Graph for my device log data ?


You can request a one time download device log database link from our IT support email
Once you download the database file, you can do following to get Chart or Graph display from your device log data.
Note: Your database is Microsoft Access MDB database

To turn Microsoft Access MDB data into a graph or chart, you can follow these steps:

  1. Open your MDB file in Microsoft Access.
  2. Identify the table or query containing the data you want to visualize.
  3. Create a new query or use an existing one to retrieve the specific data you need for your graph or chart.
  4. Once you have the desired data in the query, go to the "Create" tab in Access.
  5. Choose the type of graph or chart you want to create from the available options, such as bar chart, line chart, pie chart, etc.
  6. Access will open a graph/chart design view.
  7. In the design view, select the fields from your query that you want to use as the data source for the graph or chart. Assign the appropriate fields to the X and Y axes or other relevant data series.
  8. Customize the appearance of the graph or chart by applying styles, colors, labels, and other settings as needed.
  9. Save the graph or chart in your Access database or export it to another file format, such as an image or PowerPoint slide.

Remember to analyze your data and choose the most suitable type of graph or chart to effectively present the information you want to convey.

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    How to fix my device that is not update or Sync data to cloud site ?

    Answer: Hold Flash Button for more than 25 Seconds.
    Any SR Devices Purchase before 2023 need firmware update for this feature.( Please email Tech Support with SRD number provide in email or Use (LIVE CHAT) to get Direct IT Support.

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